Sitecore and Docker Containers

 Sitecore Experience Platform 10.0 was recently released, with Sitecore Experience Commerce 10.0 following shortly thereafter.

Both products are gravitating towards development and deployment using Docker and Kubernetes as a core part of the new Developer Experience. The move to Docker Containers promises to make it easier to configure Sitecore installations for both developers and DevOps engineers. This really is the next step beyond the traditional Infrastructure as Code tools such as chef and puppet, allowing us to provide a concrete guarantee to our customers that our solution has been configured as it was designed.

HOWEVER - It's not all sunshine and roses in the new world. Being all new for the Sitecore world, and being relatively new for the Microsoft Windows ecosystem, we will inevitably run into mistakes, bugs and an overall lack of understanding. Particularly for Microsoft, support for Windows Containers is something that did not come naturally to the operating system, with trouble encountered along the way. In many ways it has been playing catch up with the other platforms that Docker supports, such as macOS and Linux. In April 2020, it was announced that Windows Server Containers are now supported on Azure Kubernetes Service. A sign of the coming of age of the technology on the Windows platform.

Where does that leave customers of Sitecore and developers of the platform? 

  • Customers will demand the support of Sitecore on Windows Server Containers
  • Developers will need to learn a new way of working with the Sitecore application stack now supported on Docker and Kubernetes.
In the next few posts I will attempt to share my experiences in working with Sitecore and Sitecore Commerce on Docker, the pain points, gotchas and other general tips. Experiences, garnered from the real world that will hopefully make your transition that little bit easier.

I will not try to explain the basics of how to use Sitecore with Docker, as I believe the DevEx Containers Documentation already does a great job of explaining this topic.
